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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Universitas Indonesia

Pencarian Sederhana

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Call Number SK-1590 (Softcopy SK-1072)
Collection Type Skripsi
Title The implementation of internet memes to build band awareness of e-commerce in Indonesia : a case study of Fabelio
Author Elfira Fauziah;
Publisher Depok : Fak. Ilmu Komputer, 2017
Lokasi : Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer
Nomor Panggil ID Koleksi Status
SK-1590 (Softcopy SK-1072) TERSEDIA
Tidak ada review pada koleksi ini: 45739
ABSTRACT Name : ELFIRA FAUZIAH Study Program : Sistem Informasi Title : THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNET MEMES TO BUILD BRAND AWARENESS OF E-COMMERCE IN INDONESIA CASE STUDY- FABELIO The purpose of this research is to assess the level of brand awareness of an Indonesian e-commerce business, Fabelio, when it decides to use internet memes for advertising. The method used in this research is experimental - quantitative. The experiment is in form of Instagram posts. The experiment involves the measurement brand awareness level of two respondent groups and the virality of each post. This brand awareness level measurement follows a framework with four constructs, while the measurement of virality uses an indicator: likeability. There are two respondent groups involved in this experiment: a control group (124 respondents) and an experimental group (113 respondents). The result of this experiment shows that the type of meme that affects the brand awareness level the most is the exaggeration type and the type of meme has the highest virality level is silliness and sarcasm type. Key words: Internet memes, brand awareness, virality, brand equity, and e-commerce