Indonesian economic growth indeks, in the period 2009-2013 successfully spur economic growth average of 5.9% peryear, this growth is higher than the average of the previous five years economic grwoth, in 2004, indonesia's gross domestic product US $ 645 billion. while the current has reached more than US 1.1 trilion. Indonesia with the fourth largest population in the world (240 million) face high maternal mortality rate. to achieve the MDGs, since 2000, the minstry of health with the support of the house of representatives implement labor insurance program (jampersal). nationally, the target of reducing the maternal mortality rate (MMR), three-quartes of 1990. but some studies say the figure is very difficult to achieve. in addition, the indonesia government's efforts seem to realize the MDGs by 2015 will be quite difficult, because at the same time the government also had to bear the burden of a huge debt payments, where as the eight MDGs program requires a considerable cost. in early, 2007, the national committe on governance has perfected the code of good corporate governance (CGC) and pioneered the manufacture guidelines good public governance (combined code) which is the first in indonesia, and maybe even in the world. this is a demonstation and proof of concern for the creation of a better business environment in indonesia and promising if applied consistently. besides the need for information quickly, precisely and accurately and the development of the E-Goverment in indonesia also supported by the indonesia presidential intruction no.3 of 2003, dated june 9,2003 on national policy and strategy develpoment of E-Goverment . E-Government in a respresentation of information on the performance of electronik government, especially indonesia. in this study, researchers tried to find variables and measure it, what are exogenous variable that can affect the perfomance of E-Government. the exogenous variables used in this study are the MDGs (millenium development goals), good governance and economic growth index indonesia . so that result in this study, may be a recommendation for the indonesia government to develop and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the application of the while the data collection techniques used by technical documentation is obtained from secondary data. analysis of the data used is a bivariate correlation analysis-pearson product moment, regression analysis path and analysis cube cubit elasticity. because the researchers wanted to know the relationship and or influence of exogenous variables on the perfomance of E-Goverment in indonesia during 2013 as well as the level of elasticity between variables. |