Barcode |
Pengarang |
Muhammad Singgih Zulfikar Ansori; |
No. Induk |
Kata Kunci |
Scrum framework, continuous improvements, PDCA Cycle, agile, Scrum Maturity Model, Software Process Improvement. |
Pembimbing 3 |
Pembimbing 2 |
Alex Ferdinansyah |
Penerbit |
Jakarta : Program Studi Magister Teknologi Informasi Fasilkom UI, 2019 |
Barcode RFID baru |
11842905 |
Progam Studi |
Magister Teknologi Informasi |
Tahun Angkatan |
2015 |
Lokasi |
Lulus semester MTI |
Gasal 2018/2019 |
Abstrak Indonesia |
Perusahaan teknologi yang bergantung pada aplikasi sebagai bisnis utama tentu
memperhatikan proses pengembangan produknya. Agar tetap unggul dalam persaingan
dengan kompetitor, perusahaan teknologi begitu memperhatikan kelincahan (agile)
dalam perkembangan produk sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasar secara adaptif.
Proses yang berkualitas dan agile tentu dapat menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas
tinggi dan tepat sesuai kebutuhan. Pendekatan dalam proses pengembangan perangkat
lunak yang agile salah satunya ialah dengan kerangka kerja Scrum. Scrum merupakan
kerangka kerja yang terus mengalami pembaruan dan tertuang dalam Scrum Guide.
Penelitian ini fokus pada penilaian kematangan Scrum dan penyusunan rekomendasi
perbaikan implementasi Scrum dengan tempat studi kasus di PT Sepulsa Teknologi
Indonesia. Sepulsa telah menerapkan Scrum selama tiga tahun terakhir. Rekomendasi
mengenai perbaikan implementasi Scrum diperlukan sebagai langkah lanjutan hasil
evaluasi kematangan Scrum dengan melakukan Aprraisal mengikuti Standard CMMI
Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI C) berbasis Scrum Maturity
Model (SMM) yang telah diperbarui dengan Scrum Guide 2017, lalu membentuk
instrumen mengikuti format PST Tools. Penilaian tingkat kematangan di Sepulsa
dilakukan pada produk bisnis Archipelago dan produk bisnis BPA. Selanjutnya, praktikpraktik
yang belum terpenuhi dari hasil penilaian akan akan disusun rekomendasi
perbaikannya dengan pendekatan Deming’s Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Cycle dan
didasarkan dari Scrum Guide 2017. Hasilnya tingkat kematangan dinilai mencapai Level
2 dengan nilai pencapaian di sub-goals 2.1 Basic Scrum sebesar 91,67% (Fully Achieved);
2.2 Software Requirements Engineering sebesar 100% (Fully Achieved); 3.1 Customer
Relationship Management sebesar 95,46% (Fully Achieved); dan, 3.2 Iteration
management sebesar 94,74% (Fully Achieved). Kemudian rekomendasi yang akan
dilakukan adalah praktik menjelaskan kondisi Product Backlog Items yang telah
selesai oleh Product Owner saat Sprint Review dan praktik Sprint dengan Sprint
Goal yang sudah kedaluarsa akan di akhiri segera. |
Judul |
Evaluasi kematangan implementasi kerangka kerja scrum maturity model serta rekomendasi peningkatan prosesnya: studi kasus PT sepulsa teknologi indonesia |
Tgl Pemasukan |
Januari 2019 |
1506812306 |
Abstrak English |
Technology companies in which application is the main business certainly focus on the
product development process. In order to be excellent in competition with competitors,
technology companies concern to agility in the development of products so that they can
adaptively to meet the market needs. Great and agile process will produce high-quality
and precise products as needed. One of the approaches to reach agile softwaredevelopment
process is the Scrum framework. Scrum is a framework that is continously
updated and is contained in the Scrum Guide. This study focuses on the Scrum maturity
assessment and the making of recommendations for improving Scrum implementation at
PT Sepulsa Teknologi Indonesia as the case study site. Sepulsa has been implementing
Scrum for the past three years. Recommendations for improving Scrum implementation
are needed as a further step in the results of Scrum maturity evaluation using the Standard
CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI C) based on the Scrum
Maturity Model (SMM) that has been updated with the Scrum Guide 2017 and formed
with PST Tools format. Maturity level assessment at Sepulsa was conducted on business
products which are called Archipelago and BPA. Furthermore, the mapping of gaps found
from the assessment will be compiled using the Scrum Guide 2017 to form improvement
recommendations using the Deming’s Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) Cycle method. The
end result is that achievement scores at sub-goals 2.1 Basic Scrum of 91.67% (Fully
Achieved); 2.2 Software Requirements Engineering for 100% (Fully Achieved); 3.1
Customer Relationship Management by 95.46% (Fully Achieved); and, 3.2 Iteration
management of 94.74% (Fully Achieved) and level of maturity is considered to reach
Level 2. Then the recommendation that will be practiced are practice explaining
the condition of the Product Backlog Items that have been completed by the Product
Owner when the Sprint Review and practice Sprint with Sprint Goal that has
expired will be terminated immediately. |
Tahun |
12019 |
Subjek |
Scrum, Scrum framework |
Penguji 2 |
Bob Hardian |
Penguji 3 |
Pembimbing 1 |
Betty Purwandari |
Fisik |
xii, 222 hlm. :ill, 30 cm |
Bahasa |
Ind |
Lulus Semester |
No. Panggil |
KA-1168 (Softcopi KA-1161) MAK KA-814 |
Penguji 1 |
Eko Kuswardono Budiardjo |