Bali: Informatics Engineering Department, 2010
Rachel Editia Roxas, Allan Borra;
Judul Artikel
Human language technology: the philippine context ( HAL 1- 9 )
Nama Prosiding
Proceedings ICSIIT 2010: International conference on soft computing intelligent system and information technology 1-2 July 2010 Bali Indonesia
Abstrak Indonesia
Abstrak English
we present the diverse research activities on human language tehnology considering the philippine context: its geographhy, history and people. the project include the formal representation of human languages and processes involing these languages cutting across various forms such as text, speech and video files. both rule-based and example-based approaches have been used in various experiments and have shown to be complementary in computation scenarios. applications on languages that we have worked on include machine translation, natural language generation, information extraction, and audio and video processing. these applications provide the current human language interface of communication, searching, and learning, to name a few.
Kata Kunci
human language technology, natural language processing
No. Panggil
SEM - 362