Tinna Fauziah Azhar;
No. Induk
Kata Kunci
Usability, user experience, recommendation design, msme
Pembimbing 3
Pembimbing 2
Panca Oktavia Hadi Putra
Jakarta : Program Studi Magister Teknologi Informasi Fasilkom UI, 2022
Barcode RFID baru
Progam Studi
Magister Teknologi Informasi
Tahun Angkatan
Lulus semester MTI
Genap 2021/2022
Abstrak Indonesia

Di Indonesia, 79% pelaku UMKM belum menggunakan e-Commerce untuk menjual produk. Salah satu faktornya adalah kesulitan penggunaan e-Commerce. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan evaluasi usability dan user experience dari salah satu UMKM yang populer di Indonesia, yaitu Shopee. Selanjutnya dilakukan pencarian tinjauan pustaka yang terkait dengan e-Marketplace, usability dan user experience. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengembangan rekomendasi desain dengan pendekatan user-centered design (UCD). Hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah evaluasi usability dan user experience untuk memperoleh kebutuhan rekomendasi desain. Selanjutnya peneliti merancang rekomendasi desain dengan prinsip Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design. Setelah itu, dilakukan evaluasi perancangan rekomendasi desain dengan metode usability testing. Berdasarkan hasil System Usability Scale (SUS), hasil usability dari aplikasi Shopee sudah berada diatas rata-rata 72,63. Jika dibandingkan dengan hasil usability testing, mayoritas pelaku usaha berhasil menyelesaikan tugas, namun masih ada tugas yang belum atau sulit dilakukan. Selain evaluasi pada aspek usability, Shopee memperoleh nilai yang baik pada user experience. Walaupun kualitas hedonic memperoleh nilai sempurna, kualitas pragmatic dari Shopee berada dibawah rata-rata. Setelah dilakukan perancangan rekomendasi desain, semua tugas dapat dikerjakan dengan baik oleh pelaku usaha. Terdapat perbaikan atau saran yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki rekomendasi desain. Pada rekojmendasi desain diharapkan dapat mengubah penulisan tombol urungkan, mengubah warna tombol arsipkan, membuat tombol pembatalan terlihat dari daftar pesanan, meninjau lebih lanjut terkait pemilihan kurir dari sisi pembeli dan penjual, mengubah penamaan pada penyaringan kategori penerima dan mengubah penyaringan pada halaman penghasilan saya.

Evaluasi Usability dan Experience Serta Rekomendasi Desain Fitur Penjualan Produk Umkm Pada Shopee
Tgl Pemasukan
Juli 2022
Abstrak English

79% of MSME actors in Indonesia have not used e-Commerce to sell products. One of the factors is the difficulty of using e-Commerce. In this study, the usability and user experience of one of the most popular MSMEs in Indonesia, namely Shopee, was evaluated. Furthermore, a search for literature reviews related to e-Marketplace, usability and user experience was carried out. Furthermore, the development of design recommendations with a user-centred design (UCD) approach was carried out. The first thing to do is evaluate usability and user experience to obtain design recommendations. Furthermore, the researchers designed design recommendations with the principle of Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design. After that, an evaluation of the design recommendations was carried out using the usability testing method. Based on the results of the System Usability Scale (SUS), the usability results of the Shopee application are already above the average of 72.63. When compared with the results of usability testing, the majority of business actors have completed the task. However, there are still tasks that have not been or are difficult to do. In addition to evaluating the usability aspect, Shopee gets a good score on user experience. Although the hedonic quality gets a perfect score, the pragmatic quality from Shopee is below average. After designing the design recommendations, business actors can carry out all tasks properly. Some improvements or suggestions can be made to improve the design recommendations. The design recommendations are expected to change the writing of the undo button, change the colour of the archive button, make the cancellation button visible from the order list, further review the courier selection from the buyer and seller side, and change the name on the recipient category filter and change the filter on my earnings page.

User experience
Penguji 2
Muhammad Rifki Shihab
Penguji 3
Pembimbing 1
Harry Budi Santoso
xiv, 419 hlm. :ill, 30 cm
Lulus Semester
No. Panggil
KA-1600 (Softcopy KA-1586) MAK KA-1237
Penguji 1
Hafizhuddin Hilman