Irzanes Putri;
No. Induk
Kata Kunci
self-service, mobile application, MyXL, niat penggunaan, TAM, UTAUT, IS Success Model, PLS-SEM
Pembimbing 3
Pembimbing 2
Sofian Lusa
Jakarta : Program Studi Magister Teknologi Informasi Fasilkom UI, 2024
Barcode RFID baru
Progam Studi
Magister Teknologi Informasi
Tahun Angkatan
Lulus semester MTI
Genap 24/2025
Abstrak Indonesia

PT XL Axiata Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menyediakan layanan telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang terus berupaya untuk melakukan digitalisasi dalam bisnisnya. Salah satu bentuk transformasi digital yang dilakukan adalah aplikasi MyXL. Aplikasi MyXL merupakan aplikasi self–care yang menawarkan berbagai paket layanan serta sarana untuk melayani pelanggan secara digital. Data total transaksi pelanggan XL menujukkan bahwa total transaksi melalui aplikasi MyXL hanya 39% dibandingkan total transaksi melalui modern channel. Di samping itu berdasarkan data Play Store dan Apple Store, hanya 29% pelanggan yang mengunduh aplikasi MyXL. Rendahnya penggunaan aplikasi MyXL disebabkan rendahnya minat pelanggan untuk menggunakan aplikasi MyXL. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor – faktor yang memengaruhi niat penggunaan aplikasi MyXL. Konstruk yang digunakan pada model penelitian yaitu system quality, information quality, service quality, perceived usefulness, perceive ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, reward, trust, dan intention to use. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method dimana data kuantitatif didapatkan dari hasil kuesioner dan data kualitatif didapatkan dari hasil open-ended question. Analisis data dilakukan terhadap 122 data responden menggunakan pendekatan PLS-SEM dan analisis tematik. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan 10 hipotesis diterima dan 9 hipotesis lainnya ditolak. Facilitating conditions, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, system quality, dan information quality menjadi faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi niat penggunaan aplikasi MyXL. Implikasi penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, dan facilitating conditions memperkuat hasil penelitian terdahulu terkait niat penggunaan dan menunjukkan hal-hal yang harus ditingkatkan oleh perusahaan sebagai pemiliki aplikasi.

Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Niat Penggunaan Aplikasi MyXL
Tgl Pemasukan
26 November 2024
Abstrak English

PT XL Axiata Tbk is one of the telecommunications company services in Indonesia that continues to strive to digitize its business. One form of digital transformation carried out is the MyXL application. The MyXL application is a self-care application that offers various service packages and facilities to serve customers digitally. Data on total XL customer transactions shows that total transactions via the MyXL application are only 39% compared to total transactions via modern channels. Apart from that, based on Play Store and Apple Store data, only 29% of customers downloaded the MyXL application. The low use of the MyXL application is due to low customer interest in using the MyXL application. This research aims to analyze the intention to use factors in the MyXL application. The constructs used in the research model are system quality, information quality, service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, reward, trust, and intention to use. This research uses mixed methods where quantitative data is obtained from questionnaire results and qualitative data is obtained from open-ended questions. Data analysis was carried out on 122 respondents, data analysis using the PLS-SEM and thematic approaches. The results of the research showed that 10 hypotheses were accepted and 9 other hypotheses were rejected. Facility conditions, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, system quality, and information quality are factors that influence intentions to use the MyXL application. The implications of this research show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and facilitating conditions strengthen the results of previous research regarding usage intentions and indicate things that must be improved by companies as application owners.

Mobile Application
Penguji 2
Ave Adriana Pinem
Penguji 3
Pembimbing 1
Dana Indra Sensuse
xiv, 151 hlm. :ill, 30 cm
Lulus Semester
No. Panggil
KA-1865 (Softcopy KA-1860) MAK KA-1507
Penguji 1
Imairi Eitiveni