Bibliografi |
16 (1988-2002) |
Barcode |
Pengarang |
Rekiardi; |
Cat. Karya |
Judul English |
Tim penguji 3 |
No. Induk |
03/10126 |
Tim Penguji 6 |
Tim Penguji 7 |
Tim penguji 4 |
Timpenguji 2 |
Tim Penguji 5 |
Kata Kunci |
Pembimbing 3 |
Pembimbing 2 |
Syarif Abdat; Mukki Ari Wibowo |
Tahun buku |
2003 |
Tahun Angkatan |
2001 |
Progam Studi |
Magister Teknologi Informasi (MTI) |
Tim penguji 1 |
Lokasi |
Tanggal Datang |
14/08/2003 |
Lulus semester MTI |
Abstrak Indonesia |
Saat ini, usaha bisnis telah memasuki era persaingan berbasiskan teknologi informasi. Persaingan yang ketat ini mendorong PT X sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak disolusi dan layanan teknologi informasi membuat suatu solusi layanan Data Center yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan sehingga mereka bisa fokus pada bisnis intinya. Informasi milik pelanggan yang terdapat di dalam layanan Data Center merupakan aset yang perlu dijaga dan dikelola dengan baik, maka sudah menjadi kewajiban PT X sebagai penyedia jasa layanan Data Center untuk melindunginya. Hal ini terkait juga denganjaminan Service level agreement (SLA) antara PT X sebagai penyedia layanan Data Center dan pelanggan sebagai penyewa. Oleh sebab itu penerapan kebijakan keamanan TI perlu dilakukan dengan baik, sehingga kemanan informasi yang terdapat di dalam layanan Data Center PT X dapat terjamin. Penelitian dan analisis terhadap aset terkait dengan Data Center diperlukan untuk penyusunan kebijakan keamanan TI. Proses tersebut akan dilakukan secara sistematis dengan merujuk pada standar keamanan tertentu. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada layanan Data Center PT X. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam membentuk strategi implmentasi kemanan sistem informasi di PT X. |
Daftar Isi |
Cat. Umum |
Jakarta: MTI-UI: 2003 |
Judul |
Penerapan kebijakan keamanan TI untuk layanan data center di PT X |
Tgl Pemasukan |
Asal |
Korporasi |
7201014179 |
Abstrak English |
Nowadays, enterprise business has come into competition era based on information technology. This thight competition has driven PT. X as the company, which has line of business in information technology solution and services, to make competitive Data Center solutions that is provide to customer therefor they can focuw in their core business. Infomation stored in Data Center, which is owned by customers, is part of asset should be well protected and managed , therefore PT X as Data Cnter Service provider has resposibility to protect it. It also refers to Service Level Agreement (SLA) between PT. X and customers. To achieve it, implementation of IT security policy should be accomplished to ensure the security of information that is stored in Data Center.
Information stored in data center, which is owned by customers, is part of asset shoud be well protected and managed , therefore PT. X as Data Center service provider has responsibility to protect it. It also refers to ServiceLlevel Agreemen (SLA) between PT. X and customers, to acheve it, implementation of IT secutiry policy should be accomplished to ensure to security of information that is stored in data center
Information stored in Data Center, which is owned by customers, is part of asset should be well protected and managed, therefore PT. X. as Data Center service provider has responsibility it. It also refers to service level agreement (SLA) between PT. X and customers. To achieve it, implementation of IT security policy should PT. X and customers. To achience it, implementation of IT security policy should be accomplished to ensure the security of information that is stored in data center
Information stored in Data Center, which is owned by customers, is part asset should be well |
Pengarang 2 |
Subjek |
Information System Security: IT Security Policy |
Penguji 2 |
Penguji 3 |
Penguji 4 |
Pembimbing 1 |
Fisik |
ix+170 pages;18 figures; 6table;4 attachments;il.;30 cm. |
Bahasa |
Indonesia |
Lulus Semester |
Penerbitan |
Jakarta: Pascasarjana MTI UI, 2003 |
Penguji 1 |
No. Panggil |
T-0410 (Softcopy Scan T-0017) |