KPEI (Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation) is the only one clearing house and central counterparty for settlement of stock exchange transactions in Indonesian Capital Market. It plays as guarantee institution for clearing members’ transaction. So, it will guarantee all transaction risks especially when its member is fail to fulfill its obligation. Clearing member activity profile including transaction, netting, settlement, collateral, and trading limit will be used as input for risk monitoring tools. In order to organize, manage, and process these data to be useful information, KPEI develops an application called Activity Analysis. It is part of Automated Risk Monitoring System. This application should provide calculation facilities for netting, lowest and highest price, collateral valuation, exposure, and trading limit. Furthermore, these computation results are processed and analyzed using certain formula to produce some indicators used as main tools for clearing member risk monitoring. It should also have a flexible, quick, and informative inquiry facility for inputting data, parameters, and indicators resulted from those calculations.
To make this project success, a complete and well documented software requirement becomes a requisite. Software requirement specification produced by adapting Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology is expected to help System Development Department in developing this application. In this project, RUP adaptation particularly business modeling and requirement discipline will be conformed to specific characters of Activity Analysis being developed. In the end of this project, a set of deliverables including RUP documents and web based activity log will be submitted as well as final report.