Information Suystem can be utilized to support the business to achieve their business objectives. Lack of integration between information system strategy and business strategy is the classic issue which lead the Information System failed to meet the business requirements. IT Department is the most responsible devision to bring the values of the Information Systems to the company. This resarch is done to the IT Department of PT MCND; PT MCND is one of the subsidiaries of the world leading metering system company. Metric International. As a manufacturing site which focus on metering production. PT. MCND must run the company effectively and efficiently to produce cost-effective meters. Using IT Strategy Map, the research will try to helps the IT department of a manufacturing company to achieve it's cost-leadership strategy in order to increase financial contribution to corporate. This research will also try to enable it's IT department to excel themselves as a company's trategic partner through effective IT Strategic Management. This research will deliver IT Strategy Map and Application Portfolio which can be used by the IT department to govern the company's information system and information technology. Key Words: Information System Strategy; Business Strategy; IT Strategy Map; Effective IT Strategy Management