Each trading company, either local or foreign company, has the same change to participation in goods/ services trading in Indonesia. They have to become an Agency or a Distributor first to be able participates in Indonesia trading. The goal assigning Agency/ Distributor is giving consumer protection: giving the certain of lows and regulations. Indonesia government through Trading Department, especially in Direktorat Bina Usaha (Binus), have made some terms and rules that have to obey for all trading company to get their registered as an Agency/ a Distributor is Surat Tanda Pendaftaran (STP) certificate letter. Direktorat Binus has plans using information system application that can handle whole Agency registration request process, that they call it SIAGA, for increasing their share information service to citizen and also make their jobs more aefficiently and effectively. Researching porcess that do in this article adopted from requirement engineering activity model starting from: requirements elicitation, requirements analysis and negotiation, requirement documentation, requirmeents validation, and finishing with creating an agreed reqirements. Having SIAGA result that suit with user's expectation and user's needs can be realized with having the right research procedure about requirement specification analysis. At the end of whole analysis activities, the whole analyasis results have to documented properly. At this research, the SIAGA requirement specification analysis procedure adopted Rational Unifified Process (RUP) methodology. This resarch result hopefully can help the development from to build SIAGA, or at least can make them easily to build the system. Key words: UML; RUP; Requirement Engineering