The Usage of advantage technology which can improve organization business process is really needed in this century. The success of new technology implementation depends on the information system quality viewpoint that can be measured from system design quality, information quality, and service quality, that determine user acceptance and user satisfaction. Entering the end year of 2006, one of ANZ Panin Bank divisions, that is Sales Colony, started to implment a new management information system, called Sales Colony Management Systems (SCMS). SCMS is one of new information technology applications which purposed to incerease business process activity, viewed from speed, effectiveness, and efficiency. The purpose of the reserach is to measure the quality of SCMS which is related to user acceptance and user satisfaction. The result shows that there are positively high correlation among information system quality of SCMS which is related to user acceptance and user satisfaction. The result shows that there are positively high correlation among information system quality of SCMS, user acceptance and user satisfaction, in which the better information system quality of SCMS, the higher user acceptance and user satisfaction. The most influencing variables in determining user satisfaction using the SCMS are information quality, perceived ease of use, and service quality.
Keywords: quality, management information system, SCMS, user acceptance, and user satisfaction.