Globalization and liberalization in the airline industry has made competition level higher and business is changed faster than before. Companies must adapt to respon the changes rapidly. Changes not only impact to sustain their success or win the business competition but also affect the way of doing business such as how the business interacts with customers, how it produces products like services
in airline business, and how it is organized and managed. IS/IT planned strategically can make all this changes happen to accelerate business procesess and enabling business activity. XYZ as one of Indonesian airline which serves domestic and international flights needs to adapt the business changes more agile. Annually each unit will submit its business requirements to be consolidated in an IS/IT plan. This way of planning will create an IS/IT plan as non integrated plan, it may only give solution to a number or even single unit. For example Reservation System developed to meet the requirement of commercials business unit and Revenue Accounting was developed for financial unit with limited consideration about the data needs for other process in other system. Nowdays, in couping with the rapid changes, business decisions should be taken within hours such as to open or close flight route. However the use of stand alone and tightly coupled system usually requires extra effort, creates inaccurate data that leads to slow down the decission making process. Therefore, IS/IT needs to be planned and managed strategically through strategic planning of information system using common methodology. The objective of this “Final Project” is to propose the strategic planning for information systems using Ward and Pepard framework for XYZ that align with the business strategy to gain competitive advantage to win the competition in the airline industry.
Keyword: Competition level, Strategic Planning for Information Systems, Competitive advantage
x + 119 pages; 10 tables; 39 figures; 6 attachments
Bibliography: 15 (1988 – 2007)