The focus on this thesis is developing a model for knowledge management system in research domain, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi. This model is a web prototype. The purpose of developing this knowledge management system are sharing data, information, knowledge, communication that happen at this organization so that the system can improve information exchange in research area. In BPPT itself, they do not have yet some repository which can accomodate and manage human capital (as main fundamental of knowledge owned by research area). This web prototype is using semantic web technology with ontology application. The chosen of the technology is based on study from previous works about development of knowledge management system in several research organizations in the world. Then, continue with some analysis for BPPT’s project flow and analysis based on contingency factors. After that, knowledge management system model (known as
BPPT Intranet) is developed using an open source named portalCore that has been used in one of SWAD-E projects, called SWED and also Wordpress blog as a media for helping knowledge workers to communicate each other. Moreover, this thesis displays some screenshot from BPPT Intranet’s prototype design and details about functional test that have been applied on the system. The appropriate knowledge management system model at BPPT Intranet is knowledge
sharing system. That is proofed by analysis based on contingency factor and also according to BPPT’s project flow and purpose of the research itself.