viii Universitas Indonesia
Name : Lukman Satria
Study Program : Information Systems
Title : Assessment of Project Risk Management Using RASM Framework : A Case Study of Bank Indonesia
Development of IT projects has been a key element in the company’s business. However, at present, the company is not so concerned with risk management on the development of IT projects, thus resulting in delays, budget over the edge, poor quality of projects deliverables that result in failure of the project and may have an impact the company’s business failure. To avoid this, various studies have suggested important for companies to apply a consistent methodology to managing projects so that projects failures can be minimized. This research is a case study research conducted in Bank Indonesia to assess of project risk management using the framework RASM : A Risk-based Projects Auditing Selection Methodology. In this study, taken 20 samples of each project based on the area distribution of projects in Bank Indonesia. After the assessment, showed 15 projects have a medium risk exposure and 5 projects have a high risk exposure, while the other very high risk exposure and low risk exposure not appear from the sample. Based on these results, project management authority need to divide the audit effort required based on the level of risk exposure so that the project earned the project a failure occurs in Bank Indonesia can be minimized.
Key words:
Project risk management, risk exposure, RASM