Supercomputers and parallel processors are increasingly being applied to problems traditionally described as signal and imag processing problems. The primary activities occuring in either processing area are detection, enhancement, and claffisication of signals emmbeded in additive noise. The bispectrum is a processing technique that can be used for improving the detection of signals in noise. It is an order N2 operation performed over a two dimensional frequency plane and because of computational demands, has not been used much in practice. HNC has developed a commercially available SIMD Numerical Array Processor (SNAP) and implemented tracor's computationally demanding beispectrum signal processing code as a submission for the Gordon Bell prize. The SNAP is a SIMD array of parallel processros connected in a nonliear ring. A SNAP system with 32 processors (SNAP-32) demonstrated a performance of over 7.5 GIGAFLOP per milion dollars.