Abstract-Mobile WiMAX or 802.16e is one of wireless access tehcnologies that can provide users with high-speed data connection, mobility and relatively wide coverage. the interoperability effort under WiMAX forum initiative makes this technology can be interoperable across multivendor infrastructures.by considering its very wide coverage range, in a relatively open area or less obtacles, mobile WiMAX can be used in rural area. in order to predict the coverage more accurately, propagation model is the key issue to be verified first. the use of empirical propagation model, despite its superiority of fast execution and limited reliance for detail knowledge of the terrain,still needs a validation.therefore we present analysis of mobile WiMAX coverage using empirical propagation model namely SUI and COST-231 HATA. for both models, cell range estimation is made by a theorical calculation. the result is then compared with the measurement data. elementary environment spesific (EES) is used as a method for gathering the measurement data. the result shows that SUI model appears to be more suitable for Bandung typical terrain than COST 231-HATA despite both model seems to over-predict the path loss.