During several decades, public trust toward government has decreased because of some problem in terms of: adminsitrative, political socio-cultural, and economic development. Public perception of corruption, as a result of lack of transparency, inefficiency, and bad policy, also has significant impact to public trust degradation. Thus public trust degradation must be immediately responsed by politications, public policy makers, and communities as this jeopardize the legitimacy of government and political process that is running. As a reaction on this matter, the term of governance has been replace the term of goverment. Governance was the concept of " governance without governments"-introduced by rhodes- where command and control paradigm should be replaced by problem solving based on market mechanism with at least gpverment intervention as possible (minimal state). the emergence of bottom- up international civil society networks also influence international policy making with the use of ICT, so that the era of "governance without goverments" grow rapidly in the last few years. the use of ICT to support the process of governance (e-govermental process) is also known as e-government. in various recent literatures, e-goverment also called as e-governance, associated with the emergence of the term governtnance , which replaces the term governtment. in this paper we study how e-governance can enhance public tust by involving more citizen participation. community participation perspektive views the concept of good governance. we argued that the ICT, especially e-governance, can be effectively used as a tool to increae public trust by involving more puublic participation. we also discuss the caused of public trust declined, and investigated the relationship between good governance abd public trust. by studying several cases, we find out that e-governance has an important role in increasing public trust.