According to PerKa BPPT No. 009/2015, Center for Information Management (PMI) has the duty to manage information infrastructure, e-government implementation, library and knowledge management implementation along with the standardization of innovation and technology services. By referring to Main Secretariat of BPPT program’s objectives, then the purpose of PMI is to create an integrated information system in the implementation of E-Government based on Quality Management and Knowledge Management.To fulfill the duty, one of the barriers that has to be faced is the fact that knowledge and experience are often spread (printed or electronically), and sometimes they are still inside the head of each individuals inside the organization. Knowledge management is an attempt to improve organization's ability to manage its intellectual assets, the knowledge and experience that exist. However, information and knowledge management systems that exist today have not been integrated, so that it is necessary to study the design of a model and strategy of development of Knowledge Management System that fits on Information Management Center BPPT. This study was conducted to design knowledge management system which resulting in development priority of knowledge management process and KMS model design utilizing contingency factor analysis. All of which refers to Fernandez (2010) and knowledge management strategy as stated by PAN and RB Ministerial Regulation No. 4 Year 2011. Our model design produced a prototype which has functions to support knowledge management process that is suitable for Center of Information Management in BPPT. This prototype includes combination, exchange, socialization for knowledge discovery, internalization, and socialization for knowledge sharing. Features that are going to be developed in KMS are article management, document search, discussion forum and chatting.