ABSTRACT Name : Dennis Pratama Kamah Study Program : Computer Science Title : Implementation of HPC Resources Management Portal with Job Scheduler and Load Balancer based on High Throughput Condor This research focuses on provision of a portal in doing management of HPC resources for executing and running some experiments, including job and load contained inside of it. In this case, High Throughput Condor acts as load balancer, job scheduler, and center workload manager in managing and submitting a number of load and job of experiments. Implementation of the portal is executed with a web-based application. The result of this research is an implementation of portal based on HTC portal that provides convenience and comfort to the user to perform experiments and its jobs. Tests conducted on the portal lead into conclusion that the integrity of the experiment files are well-maintained as well as load balancing and job scheduling features can manage the workload of resources well and can schedule jobs efficiently. Key words: Resources Management, Load Balancing, Job Scheduling, High Throughput Condor, Pool