Abstract- This study is an analysis of working memory capacity in the context of both visual and auditory information. Working memory storage capacity Is important because cognitive tasks can be completed only with sufficient ability to repeat information dependes on task demands but can be distinguished from a more constant, underlying mechanism: a central memory store limited to 3 to 5 meaningful items in young adults. The purpouse of this study is to use strategies that can increase the efficiency of the use of a limited capacity or allow the maintenance of additional information separate from that limited capacity. The researchers will discuss why this central limit is important, how it can be observed, how it differs among individuals, and why it may exist. The review focuses on the term nature of capacity limit, views of researchers on working memory, and evidences of both visual and auditory working memory. The results suggest a focus on central capacity limits that are beneficial in predicting which thought processes individuals can do, and in understanding individual differences in cognitive maturity and intellectual aptitude.
Keywords: working memory capacity limits; visual information; auditory information; central strolage capacity limits; chunks; core capacity