Abstract- This paper a study of 347 youths who participated in community-based service-laerning projects in developing countries in South-East Asia, China and India. Using mixed-methood design, it seeks to examine what parcitipants had laernt about community service and whether they served respectively. Quantitative results from Civic Action subscale respectively. Quantitative results from Civic Action subscale indicated favourable responses from the participants (M = 3.95, SD = .51). As a results of the overseas community service-laerning experience, participants indicated that they planned to help others who are in difficulty (87.3%), participate in a community service organization (86.7%), and to do some volunteer work (85.9%). The majority of the planned to become involved in suggests that the overseas community. In other words, the results seem to suggest that the overseas community service-learning experience has helped youth participants to be more anware of their civic action.
Keywords-service-learning; community service; civic action