Abstracts-Objective: To examine the prediction that the trust-forgiveness trait facilitates less interpersonal anger for young adults. Meethod: 453 participants were recruited from Mainland China, classified as trust-forgiveness (TF), trust-unforgiveness (MU) through the Dyaduc Trust Scale (DTS), The Tendency to Forgive Scale (TTF) and the Dissipation-Rumination Scale (DRS). Results: Positive correlation was found between trust, forgiveness and rumination of anger. One-way ANOVA revealed significantly higher ruminative tendency in TF participants than TU, MFAND MU. Conclusion: The findings indicated the association between trusting-forgiveness trait and less angry thoughts, and confirmed the interpersonal ruminator role of trusting-forgiveness trait. Keywords-trust; mistrust; forgiveness; unforgiveness; rumination; anger