Plantation companies classification process by plantation department of west kalimantan province (Disbun Kalimantan Barat) manually. Assessment process carried out by assessing the various aspects of the condition of plantation companies. the process of assessment strats from the collection of data calculations of plantation class, value recapitulation, giving, advice and follow-up process, and the warning letters. The process takes a long time and cost in the distribution of data and information. Besides that, the huge number of rating categories and the number of plantation companies are scattered in the region of west kalimantan assessed become a trouble for the officer and disbun kalbar in conducting the assessment process of the company. therefore we propose to build an information calssification system for the plantation companies to resolve the issue. the making of information system can be used in conducting the assessment process of the company. the company have to fill out the questionnaire that provided by the application then the application will calculate the value of the answers to the questionnaire so that the final outcome is a plantation companies class. the result of the assessment are presented in graphicalfrom to give the convenience for the company to monitor the development of the company's condition. applications also can send follow-up advice, reminder letters, and letters of IUP revocation to the company based on the result obtained. designed system is tested by using the scroring method of assessment, and user acceptance test. the the results of test s conducted showed that information systems can be used in conducting the classification process with the company more quickly and precisely because the calculations performed by the system. this information system is also equipped with a map as a picture of the location of the point spread of oil palm plantation companies in west kalimantan province.