The multimedia and e-learning-based teaching material or the e-learning website for bahasa indonesia (WeLPBI), accessible at, is designed to assist semester two class nine junior high school students to learn indonesia language. this website is designed for the purpose of supporting the learning of bahasa. to see the acceptability level of this website, therefore, a further analysis is carried out by the writer. in determining factors effecting WeLPBI's acceptability the writer uses TAM (technology acceptance model). this model decribes information technology model acceptability through a number of dimensions affecting its users' acceptance. the statistic analysis used is SEM (structual equation modeling) and AMOS, variant software of SEM. questioners from 120 respondents concist of 60 students and 60 teachers in SMPN 115 east jakarta shows factors effecting WeLPBI's acceptability as the following: the effects of perceived ease of use toward perceived usefulness is 83%the effect of perceived ease of use toward intention to use is 27%, the affect of perceived ease of use toward website usage behaviour is 13%. in addition, the effect of perceived usefulness toward intention to use is 71%, the effect or perceived usefulness toward website usage behaviour is 22%, and the effect of intention of use toward website usage behaviour is 60%.