In the end of the day, meteorological data becomes widely used such as e-monitoring and e-warning. it is used to predict the state of the environmental for a future time. this paper presents the integration of WEKA libraries (waikato environment for knowledge analysis) and google maps API for classificationa nd visualization in e-tracking, which is an environmental tracking. with this software developed as a meteorogical data analysis tool, it can analyse resulting and visualization web applications easier and faster. our software is a front end of WEKA that provides fundamental data mining functions such as classify, clustering, and anlysis functions. it also supports pre-processing, analysis and XML output export and display data result to google maps API in order to display result and plot labels and visualization in different color labels on google maps. we created our software using java, developed on netbeans IDE version 6.8 and tested the proposed process on meteorogical data in thailand, and the experimental result show that our proposed process can export data result to goole maps and display classification results in order to help visualize its nearly real-time and effectively.