Corporate culture is not only a written policy, operational basics, or systematic job which becomes the corporate holly bible. It is more that, corporate culture is the spirit soul d'corps corporate which integrates the daily and the whole activities of a corporation. To be able to grow and be competitive in the long run, it is necessary to make the corporate culture as the foundation of performance. Corporate Culture is usually started from the acts and the values of the leader which is also the owner and the founder of the related corporate. Along with the progress, the related leader unintentionally absorbed his values and his acts into the company (i.e. becomes the values and the attitude of the employees). If we notice the prominent big companies which continually makes achievement for decades, i.e. Coca Cola, Toyota; they have strong corporate culture. The strength of corporate culture is believed to be the one of important points that leads their sustainable achievement. Based on growing companies and in view that universities have the same characteristic with growing companies; i.e. organization structures, spirit to grow and same tightly competitive capacity, it is suggested that universities start their vision, mission and goals towards corporate climate. The method used on this matter is explorative approach to each unit combined with library literature, interviews, reviewing towards corporate culture. Hopefully, when corporate culture management is applied in the university, its existence will have very high competitive capacity. Keywords: Corporate Culture, University, Development Strategy