This paper aims to develop methodology of Information Technology Strategic Planing Paper (ITSP) under the paradigm of islamic principles which is named ITSP PTAI. It is formulated by adopting methodology of ITSP MAMPU and ITSP boar in line with the concept of islamic planing and management. In order to discover the effectiveness of ITSP PTAI methodology, two models of examination are conducted i.e. descriptive and hipotethical ones. descriptive examination aims to discover the important role of ITSP elements. Hipothetical one is conducted to measure the evectiveness of ITSP if it is used to be a manual guide of the application of ITSP in PTAI. Simulation, focus group discussion (FGD) and interview methods are utilized in these two examinations. The result of descriptive examination shows that elements of ITSP MAMPU,ITSP boar and ITSP PTAI take important role in ITSP application. Hipothesis examination has been done by simultant and partial ones. Simultant one indicates that the methodology of ITSP PTAI will be more effective if it is applied to be a manual guide in the application of ITSP in PTAI than of MAMPU and Boar. Partial examination is ellucidated by four parameters i.e. completness, meaning, conformity and sistematizaton. There are differences among them within completness, meaning and conformity, similiarities are found in the sistematization. Methodology of ITSP MAMPU and Boar is more applicable to organization with conducive culture, good birocracy, otiritarian in politics system, the maturity of huan resources and less resistency from the embers of the organization. Keywords: Methodology, ITSP, efektifitas, PTAIN