the emergence of mobile computing is inevitably followed by mobile advertising: advertising that target mobile device, such as feature phones, smartphones and tablets.however, the majority of mobile advertising is still relying on the traditional approach: to send an advertisement to as many people as possible, in hope that some of them will be interested in the advertisement and in turn buying the promoted product or service. the problem with this method is that each people have their own preferences, so that kind of strategy won't get an optimum result. furthermore, with traditional strategy there is very low chance of people getting the right advertisement in the right place. this research proposed a new advertisement system that combined a location based service with user profiling system. in this study,the advertisiment system is integrated system. in trafiic map mobile application,which also has an RSS feed reader feature. the system will leran user interestby using web mining to analye browsing history that is taken from the RSS reader.when the user tries to generate a route in the map, the system will automatically fetch advertisiment that are located along the route, which suited user interest. with this proposed system, we have successfulyy created a mobile advertisiment that is highly effcient and affective. moreover, it has gained positive feedback from user by being accurate, beneficial,and non-obtrusive. better reception of advertisiment from user will lead to be increasing rate of advertisiment succsess.