E-learning is increasingly used to support learning in various educational institutions. from the perspective of information systems, e-learning is included as non-functional component of transactional processing system. However, e-learning contains a lot of knowledge that needs to be managed in order to make it into the strategic level. This study aims to identify all possible knowledge contained in e-learning and analyze e-learning moduls and features needed to manage the knowledge. Qualitative approach is used to perform an in-depth inductive study of the five experts' interview results. The result show 14 e-learning knowledge related to 5 modules. These 14 knowledge could be used as base to the development of 31 new features to be implemented in e-learning system. The number is not limited only to this result, considering there might be any other knowledge obtained from differentnexpert perspectives. This study can be used as a reference in the development of e-learning system as well as in the more detailed future research on knowledge management adoption in e-learning.