Relation among can be connected with at least one object feature, and a feature can describe one or more objects. object relation with feature set form an undirected multigraph which can be represented as hypergraph. In our previous work, we developed adjacency hyperedges matrix which are hypergraph model representing indirected multigraph so that we can identify the type of the object connection. In partial similar object collection, there may exist composite object relation, which is a relation among objects satisfying proper superset operation based on the set of objects feature. Composite object relation is one form of abstraction (higheer level) relayion among objects. in composite object among relation, each proper superset objecthas direct connection in the form of transitive path into object in it own subset, and also form transitive clonsure. In this paper, we propse object connection algorithm. The objective of the first algorithm is to determine a collection objects dataset which is totally different, partially similar, or identical objects. The objective of the second algorithm is to identify composite object relationship in a collection of objects, also to contruct the objects that form connection as partially order set. Our experiments support our proposed algorithm.