in indonesia, one of the most popular commodities is pomology (fruit). But, in indonesia, fruit production rate is not biggen than fruit consumtion rate. Lack of fruit production in indonesia can be caused by a various factor. One of the factors is production failure that caused by wrong fruit choice. That factor can happen because of the lack of farmer knowledge about compatibility btween land and fruit. Therefore it takes it program that can use to help farmer check it their land is compatible with one kind fruit or not. FAHP-GTVPSO is one of the methods that can solve a problem with many determining factor inside it. This method is a combination of 2 previous methods. That 2 previous method is fuzzy- AHP and eometric time variant particle swarm optimization (PSO). Particke Swarm Optimization method will be working to optimize criteria weight ratio that should be generated from AHP. from the test result, spearman coefficient comparing rank result in 3 lands and 10 fruit is 0.8598. Besides that from the classification result, we can obtain spearman coefficient is 0.9659.