E-goverment is a cocept that is believed to imptove goverment services. The revolution of tecnology nowadays may lead to cloud computing in e-goverment where servisces as its core. From litertures, cloud environment offresmany benefits than traditional infrastructure. Threfore, Indonesia as developing country with unique geoghraphical background should be looked at this altrenative. From worldwide ranking, e-goverment in Indonesia is considered less than statisfactory. Implementation e-goverment tends to infecctive and inefficient. This is because of problems that are found from traditional infrastructure such as lack of competency for human resources in ICT, lack of integration, inefficient investment of infrastructure in regions, etc. Cloud environtment is expected to overcome those problems with service on demand concept on centralized infrastructure. This paper proposes initial architecture for implementing e-govermet based on cloud computing in Indonesia.
Keywords- e-goverment; cloud computing; architecture