Traffic jam detection system is a kind of system that can detect traffic in multiple locations. it requires the interaction with a system that requires an algorithm to meet the specific requirements. this paper presents a mobile-based interaction for detecting traffic jam using decision support system . the objectives of this application are to give the user the better online information of traffic flos of whole jakarta through mobile application and to assist the user for making the decision of choosing an appropriate road. so, the user or the one who needs the information of the current situation on specific roads in jakarta will be aimed by utilizing. in this paper, we propose a mobile-based interaction for detecting traffic jam to provide decision-making using dijkstra's shrotest path algorithm. this algorithm will be used to establish the application in order to set the shortest path that can be passed by the traveler or the user. all of the paths will display the information of various circumstances in which can determine the present state of traffic. this information directly assists the user to avoid traffic congestion and to make a decision to choose the appropriate road.