Nowadays, medical caring need more effective and efficient system, in time, personal and facility using. the fact that medical record still operates in manual papered medical record which appraised unreliable anymore to handle the medical data, issued idea to convert papered medical record to the electronic one, because of its effectiveness and efficiency. the goal of this research is to create the electronic medical record or known as EMR, from the papered medical record in ananda hospital stayed nursing installation. this EMR designed by creating forms that recorded medical data during the pattient curing process. then, the data stored and managed digitally. for each medical data in several forms noted, the system will resulting a code that tell a special information. at last, this system produce the ICD ( international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems) code stream consist of codes resulted in medical record forms filling. this stream describe the patient conditions development during the curing process. the stored medical data can be reqresented as digital medical record.