LMSs implementation in education institutions either in distance learning, e-learning, or in blended learning has increased. moodle is a common open-source LMS that is applied in many education institutions. however some universities have applied e-learning on more than one LMS platforms such as wordpress and moodle. therefore to increase the application of moodle as an e-learning system, it should be an integration or synchronization between wordpress and moodle. this can assist teachers who have a lot of learning material in their blog to migrate to moodle. hence the paper proposed two-ways synchronization interface application for both moodle and wordpress. the aim is to improve teachers' response in utilazation of moodle in their classes. the results show satisfied outcomes. the interface can present learning contects from wordpress into moodle or vice versa easily. it is secure as the teachers and student have to login using student/teacher ID,course ID, username and password