Name : Ardhy Wisdarianto Study Program : Magister Teknologi Informasi Title : Analysis of Knowledge Management Implementation Readiness: A Case Study of PT PELNI (Persero) Counsellor : Prof. Ir. Dana Indra Sensuse, M.LIS., Ph.D. Dr. Sofian Lusa S.E., M.Kom.

PT PELNI (Persero) is a state-owned company engaged in marine transportation services serving domestic travel routes by visiting more than 94 ports throughout the archipelago. The role of knowledge management in companies is deemed necessary to be carried out formally in order to support the company's vision and mission. The existence of knowledge management is expected to be able to maintain and improve the existing competencies of employees so that later various business innovations can be created on an ongoing basis. The current condition of PT PELNI (Persero) still does not have knowledge management in managing existing knowledge in the company. The main problem that arises in this study is that the knowledge of PT PELNI (Persero) employees has not been properly dispersed and stored. The importance of the role of knowledge management for a company and the problems that arise related to knowledge management make PT PELNI (Persero) need to build knowledge management. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the level of readiness of PT PELNI (Persero) in implementing knowledge management and providing recommendations to companies in implementing knowledge management based on this level of readiness. Measuring the level of knowledge management readiness in this study is based on aspects that exist in KM Enabler and Individual Acceptance which affect aspects of the intention to be involved in the KM Process. Measuring the level of knowledge management readiness was carried out using a Likert-scale questionnaire aimed at employees of PT PELNI (Persero). The results of this study indicate that the level of organizational readiness in implementing knowledge management is at a receptive level, which means that as a whole the organization is more than ready to implement knowledge management. Based on this level of readiness, this study provides a number of recommendations to improve organizational readiness in every aspect and recommendations for implementing knowledge management.