Name : Adelya Gabriel, Alina Dhifan Ajriya, Cut Zahra Nabila Fahmi
Study Program : Information Systems
Title : Analysis Of The Effect Of Augmented Reality Implementation
On Fashion And Beauty Products On The Continuance Intention
Of Using Features And Purchase Intention In E-commerce.
Counsellor : Dr. Putu Wuri Handayani, S.Kom., M.Sc
The growth of technology and the COVID-19 pandemic have encouraged people in
Indonesia to do online shopping. Apart from the convenience that people feel when
shopping online, there are still disadvantages because they can not try the products that
they’re going to buy. Therefore, the feature virtual try on based on augmented reality
(AR) is here as a solution to the perceived shortcomings. This study aims to determine
the effect of AR implementation on beauty and fashion products on the intention to
continue using features and the intention to shop in e-commerce. In this study,
researchers chose e-commerce that has a virtual try on feature in Indonesia, such as
Shopee, JD.ID, Saturdays, Sephora, and Lazada. The design of this research model is
based on the Stimulus, Organism, Response (SOR) theory which is used to investigate
research factors using AR characteristics. This study used the Covariance Based
Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) method with the help of the IBM SPSS
Statistics 25 and AMOS 26 programs. In this study, the respondent data were valid and
used in the analysis phase totaling 549 respondents. The results of the study show that
interactivity, novelty, hedonic value, and satisfaction have a significant effect on
continuance intention. In addition, continuance intention also has a significant effect on
purchase intention. This research also strengthens and expands on previous research,
especially those applying AR implementation in e-commerce and provides new findings
that continuance intention has a significant effect on purchase intention which was
previously only discussed in research related to AR implementation in games. The
results of this research are also expected to be an input for e-commerce service
providers and AR developers to be able to improve services for users to shop online,
especially the virtual try on feature. In addition, it is also hoped that this service
improvement will provide benefits for users to get a more enjoyable online shopping
experience as well as benefits for e-commerce service providers by increasing user
shopping intentions in e-commerce.
Augmented reality, virtual try on, e-commerce, purchase intention, Indonesia