Name : Muhammad Rakha Zachrie
Study Program : Information System
Title : Implementation of Android-Based M-Banking Application Testing at
PT Bank BTPN Tbk
Counsellor : Fathia Prinastiti Sunarso, S.Kom., M.Sc.
The author decided to take practical work courses held at PT Bank BTPN Tbk as a
Mobile App and Web Tester Intern. BTPN is developing a mobile banking application
and the author is responsible for doing testing applications by executing test cases that
have been made. Practical work carried out for 7 weeks starting from July 25, 2022 to
September 9, 2022. In general, the author executes the test case from the user
acceptance test (UAT) and performance verification testing (PVT) that has been made,
documenting the results of the user acceptance test (UAT) and product verification
testing (PVT) that have been executed, report the results obtained, and is responsible
for compiling all test case results into one report. Thanks to the opportunity to do
practical work at Bank BTPN, the author has learned many lessons and experiences that
have enabled the author to develop himself well.
Key words:
Tester, UAT, PVT, test case, Bank BTPN