The University of Chile is undergoing changes in the management of its information services as the result of four key decisions: an ATM inter-campus network, INTERNET connections in every faculty, a new central unit (SISIB) to manage both the corporate information resources and facilitate global library processes, and the strategic alliance of SISIB with the Department of Informatics. Thus, the prevailing self-reliant faculty information culture has in a twelve month period been permeated by the incorporation of new "resource sharing" information values: i.e, a comprehensive corporate web site, a permanent INTERNET training program, an on line union catalog plus the constant training of librarians and users for the new information age, among others.
Permanent demonstrations on INTERNET to the national community are creating a demand on this unit for consulting purposes. A demo on one of the highlights of our web (http://www.uchile.cl) is linked to this paper, making it a dynamic item as the web nformation is constantly updated.