An implementation of DHCP (called WIDE ver- sion) has been made and beta-tested in some WIDE ner- practical uses since March 1994. sion DHCP achieves full semantical compatibil- ities with the erisiting UNIX system architecture. the architectural independency. the administra- tion efficiency on the UNIX environment, and the interoperability with BOOTP-based clients and other DHCP implementations. As the results of the experiences. several problems of DHCP have been found: a) The DHCP client is unable to per- form a verification simultaneously with a lease ex- tension. b) A design difficulty was claimed since the usage of a DHCP message is too complicated. c) There is no acknowledgement mechanism for releasing addresses. d) A concentration of ad- dress reuse requests were detected under some circumstances. These problems have been solved by modifying DHCP specifications. Other prob- lems have also been found such as: a) lack of fault-torelancy in DHCP. b) no active notifica- tion from server to client. and c) no mechanism This paper de- to retrieve addresses by server. scribes the design and implementation, encoun- tered problems during the beta-tests, and proposes their solutions. Requirements for the future pos- sible changes on the protocol also are discussed.