SMA Muhammadiyah 01 Pringsewu a private school under Pringsewu District Education Office. Along with many disadvantaged students and student achievement, then held a scholarship by the Department of Education. The division is done to help students who can not afford or achievement during their studies. To assist the determination in determining the eligible student then takes a decision support system. In the process of development of a decision support system to determine the scholarship recipients at SMA Muhammadiyah 01 Pringsewu using the Simple additive weighting (SAW). This method was chosen because it is able to select the best alternative from a number of alternatives, in this case meant that alternatives are eligible to receive scholarships based on criteria specified. The study was conducted by searching the weight values for each attribute, and then performed the ranking process will determine the optimal alternative is the best student. Based on test results, a system built to help the team work of scholarship selectors in making the selection of scholarship, can accelerate the scholarship selection process, reduce errors and facilitate team selectors in determining acceptance of the scholarship.
Keywords: Decision Support System, SAW. Criteria.