At the time of re-registration of new students who passed the PSB On-line at SMAN 4 Padang happened long queues. The aim of research of this study are knowing the model, process simulation model and how to use the method of Kolmogorov-Smirnov of system for re-registration of new students at SMAN 4 Padang. The number of applicants on the first day as many as 115 people, and the average length of applicants waiting at the post I and post 2 days during the first 15 minutes. From the simulation results on circumstances such registration is proposed to manufacture a new model that is solving registration post 1 and post 2 be heading la, lb and 2a, 2b. After the breakdown of the post and re simulation showed the average length of applicants waiting at the post la and lb smaller at 3.7 minutes and 2.8 minutes. While at the post 2a and 2b post showed the average length of a smaller registrants wait 0.2 minutes in both previous post for 32 minutes. With the results of the simulation can be concluded that the solution to the registration posts can make an average registration time waiting to be smaller. Keywords: Modeling, Simulation, Queue, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Method, Promodel 7.5