Instructional media used less attractive and methods used grade 1 primary school and additions that have been implemented are still using fingers to count, resulting in a lack teachers are still common, such as a lecture and discussion. Learning on material reductions of student interest in the course. Besides the notion that the game is only a medium of games such as Butterfly Mission using Adobe Flash CS6 were able to attract students. Given entertainment. This research aims to develop a form of interactive multimedia educational this multimedia, expected learning mathematics materials on addition and subtraction in the first grade of elementary school becomes more interesting and varied. The method used in this research is the method of research and development or Research and Development (R& D). Mathematics learning games butterfly this mission using a model of the development of multimedia Luther-Sutopo performed on six stages, namely stage concept, design, collecting materials, assembly, testing and distribution. The end result of math learning game design butterfly this mission in the form of a compact disk (CD) that can be run using the interactive media on the computer and does not require any other system to run it. Expected multimedia interactive learning can help and enhance the motivation of the students in elementary school.
Keywords: Instructional Media, Educational Games, Butterfly Mission, Math Learning