PERTAMINA (Indonesia's State Oil & Gas Company) has a strong commitment in the Safety of Operation & Security of Supply of oil and gas distribution across the country. Beside other transmission methods such as tanker, wagon and tank truck, pipeline transmission is chosen as a primary transmission media for some advantages, therefore the pipeline control and monitoring system is a must for PERTAMINA. The thesis discusses basic design and technical spesifications for pipeline's SCADA system. The goal of this thesis is to give a guidance documentations in supporting the Domestic Supply & Marketing Directorate of PERTAMINA's managerial tasks, especially for maintenance, development and implementation tasks. The approach to the system begins with analyzing control hierarchy, operation philosophy and problems occured in the existing system. The analysis captures the SCADA system philosophy which is synchronized with the pattern of operation. The SCADA system configuration and technical spesifications are built based on the analysis results and the equipments used in the system. This thesis also considers other dominant factors on the implementation strategies such as company vision, mission, government regulations, feasibility study and financial availability. The result of this thesis is a guidance on basic concept and design, system development, integration with any other application system, Standard Operating Procedures and human resources development for SCADA system in PERTAMINA.