PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania as public company run in the field of insurance in general. One of PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania businesses spesification is Jasa Tania Medika run in field of corporate medical insurance. Currently, Information Technology Process in PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania is build based on requirement without anya information technology strategy both clearly and integrally. To Develop a good information technology also it is required a good infrastructure among them is computer network. This infrastructure development is based on adaptive framework, so easily, in the future it can be developed without rebuild all infrastructure from beginning . By developing infrastructure using adaptive framework then application to be developed by company will use given standard pattern as maximal as possible. The existing application even will match the pattern provided by infrastructure. The result obtained by this development is complete infrastructure . The result obtained by this development is complete infrastructure planning to be used by PT. Asuransi Jasa Taniaas base for developing corporate information technology without changing any give infrastructure entirely. As well this infrastructure in the future my follow requirement and corporate's development without changing existing infrastructure. By this infrastructure it may be wished may satisfy PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania's for current requirement and for the future.