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UK research in advanced manufacture IMeche conference publications 1986-12
Call Number: SEM-139 | Type: Prosiding Seminar
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Planning for automated manufacture: imeche conference publications 1986-10
Call Number: SEM-138 | Type: Prosiding Seminar
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Proceedings, conference on advanced research in vlsi, Janury 23-25, 1984
Call Number: SEM-133 | Type: Prosiding Seminar
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Research and advanced technology for digital libraries: third European conference, ECDL'99 Paris, France September, 1999 Proceedings
Call Number: 025 Res | Type: Buku
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Research and advanced technology for digital libraries third European conference, ECDL'99 Paris, France, September 1999 proceedings (1696)
Call Number: SEM-393 | Type: Prosiding Seminar
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Human resources research organization bibliography of publications as of 30 June 1971
Call Number: R. 016.355 Hum | Type: Buku Referensi
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Cryptography and coding 9th IMA international conference Cirencester, UK December 2003 proceedings/ Kenneth G. Paterson
Call Number: 005.82 Cry | Type: Buku
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Field-programmable logic and applications: 11 th int. conference , FPL 2001; Belfast, northern Ireland, UK, August 2001, Proceedings
Call Number: 005.115 Fie | Type: Buku
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ZUM'97 the z formal specification nation: 10th Int. conference of z users reading, UK, April 3-4, 1997 proceedings/Jonathan P. Bowen
Author: Bowen, Jonathan P.; | Call Number: 005.131 Bow z | Type: Buku
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Computational geometry for design and manufacture
Author: Faux, I.D.; | Call Number: 516.002 Fau c | Type: Buku
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