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Development of 3D AFR system using novel structure of neural network with its pose estimation subsystem through modified nearest feature line method research area micro electronic and information (Proposal Indonesia International Joint Research Grant Program)
Author: Benyamin Kusumoputro | Call Number: PRO-RUTI-2004-002 | Type: Proposal Research (Khusus Dose
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Pengembangan metode modified NEAREST FEATURE LINE untuk peningkatan derajat pengenalan dalam sistem penentu sudut pandang dan pengenal wajah 3D
Author: LINA; | Call Number: T-0454 (Softcopy T-0073) | Edition: 2004 | Type: Tesis
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Desain dan kontruksi sistem pengenal objek & wajah secara 3-dimensi menggunakan novel structure of neural network(Proposal RUT) X
Author: Benyamin Kusumoputro | Call Number: PRO-RUT-2002-006 | Type: Proposal Research (Khusus Dose
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2-D Face Recognition System Using Cylindrical-Hidden Layer Neural Networks and Its Optimization Through Genetic Algorithms (118-123)
Author: Benyamin Kusumoputro; | Call Number: SEM-306 | Type: Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
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Pengembangan metode modified nearest feature line untuk meningkatkan derajat pengenalan sistem penentu sudut pandang dan sistem pengenal wajah 3-D, hal : 8-18
Author: Lina | Call Number: JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI, Vol. 4 No. 1 Mei 2004 | Type: UI-ana Indek Artikel
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Performance evaluation of the nearest feature line method in image classification and retrieval. page 1335
Author: S.Z. Li | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Penentuan Kombinasi vektor eigen dalam pembentukan ruang ciri dengan algoritme genetika untuk sistem pengenalan wajah 3D menggunakan metode nearest feature line/ Haries Efrika
Author: Haries Efrika; | Call Number: SK-0566(Softcopy SK-48) + Source code ada di dalam cd softkopi | Type: Skripsi
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Desain dan kontruksi sistem pengenal objek & wajah secara 3-dimensi menggunakan novel structure of neural networks (Proposal RUT) IX
Author: Benyamin Kusumoputro | Call Number: PRO-RUT-2002-001 | Type: Proposal Research (Khusus Dose
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Genetic algorithms in optimization of 3-D face recognition system using cylindrical-hidden layer neural network in its eigenspace domain, hal. 55-63
Author: Benyamin Kusumoputro , Martha Yuliana P. and Leila Fatmasari Rachman | Call Number: JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER DAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI VOL.1 NO. 2 Oktober 2001 | Type: UI-ana Indek Artikel
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Pengenalan citra wajah 3D terdegradasi menggunakan hemispheric structure of hidden layer neural network/ Hari Prasetyo
Author: Hari Prasetyo; | Call Number: SK-0780 (Softcopy SK-262) Source code SK-238 | Type: Skripsi
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