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Your search for 42125 returns 3970 document(s)
Entanglements in practice: performing anonymity through social media, page 873-893
Author: Susan V. Scott and Wanda J. Orlikowski, | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Social media, traditional media, and music sales, page 101-121
Author: Sanjeev Dewan and Jui Ramaprasad | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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The Needs–Affordances–Features Perspective for the Use of Social Media, Page 737-756
Author: Elena Karahanna. Sean Xin Xu, Yan Xu, and Nan (Andy) Zhang | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Herding and Social Media Word-of-Mouth: Evidence from Groupon, Page 1331-1351
Author: Xitong Li and Lynn Wu | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Community intelligence and social media services: a rumor theoretic analysis of tweets during social crises, page 407-426
Author: Onook Oh, Manish Agrawal, H.Raghav Rao | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Talking about technology: the emergence of a new actor category through new media, page 1069-1092
Author: Emmanuelle Vaast, Elizabeth J. Davidson and Thomas Mattson | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Social media mining: an introduction
Author: Zafarani, Reza; | Call Number: 006.3 Zaf s | Type: Buku
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What's Different about social media networks? a framework and research agenda, page 275-304
Author: Gerald C. Kane, Maryam Alavi, Giuseppe (joe) Labianca and Stephen P. Borgatti | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Text Analytics to Support Sense-Making in Social Media: A Language-Action Perspective, Page 427-464
Author: Ahmed Abbasi, Yili Zhou, Shasha Deng, and Pengzhu Zhang | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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Social Media Affordances for Connective Action: An Examination of Microblogging Use During the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill, Page 1179-1205
Author: Emmanuelle Vaast, Hani Safadi, Liette Lapointe, and Bogdan Negoita | Type: Indeks Artikel Jurnal
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