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Your search for 4966 returns 548 document(s)
Handbook of Automated reasoning Volume I/Editors Alan Robinson and Andrei Voronkov
Call Number: 006.3 Han | Type: Buku
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Handbook of automated reasoning vol. 1/editor Alan Bobinson and Andrei Voronkov
Call Number: 006.3 Han | Type: Buku
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Planning and understanding: a computational approach to human reasoning
Author: Wilensky, Robert; | Call Number: 006.3 Wil p | Type: Buku Pusat
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Understanding scientific reasoning/Ronald N. Giere
Author: Giere, Ronald N.; | Call Number: 501.8 Gie u | Type: Buku
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How to argue: an introduction to logical thinking
Author: Crossley, David J.; | Call Number: 160 Cro h | Type: Buku
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Automated reasoning: introduction and applications/ Larry Wos
Author: Woss, Larry; | Call Number: 006.3 Aut | Type: Buku
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Automated reasoning: 33 basic research problems/Larry Wos
Author: Wos, Larry; | Call Number: 006.3 Wos a | Type: Buku
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Planning and understanding: a computational approach to human reasoning
Author: Wilenski, Robert; | Call Number: 154.24 Wil p | Type: Buku
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Design of an intelligent customer relationship system in tourism industry in Iran using evidential reasoning approach, HAL. 169-182
Author: S. Rezalian Fardael and M.A.S Monfared; | Call Number: SEM-291 | Type: Indeks Artikel prosiding/Sem
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Qualitative reasoning about physical systems
Call Number: 006.6 Qua | Type: Buku
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