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Pengaruh Gamification Dan Task - Technology Fit Terhadap Retensi Pengguna Pada Situs Massive Open Online Courses (Moocs): Studi Kasus Sekolah Pintar
Author: Muhammad Albarrozi; | Call Number: KA-1095 (Softcopi KA-1089) MAK KA-741 | Edition: 2018 | Type: Karya Akhir (KA)
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Pengembangan aplikasi sinau ngomah modul login, registration, school info, member, dam class task pada PT Karpa Imaji Labs
Author: Fivi Melinda; | Call Number: KP-3666 | Type: Kerja Praktek (KP)
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Peningkatan model named entity recognition dan implmenetasi back-end untuk aplikasi reusable task-based crowdsourcing system for data training di
Author: Valdi Rachman; | Call Number: KP-2542 Softcopy KP-1982 | Type: Kerja Praktek (KP)
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Analisis faktor-faktor penerimaan surat elektronik TNI AD menggunakan unifield theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) dan task technology fit (TTF): studi kasus e-Militer di TNI AD
Author: Jonni Ambarita; | Call Number: KA-516 (Softcopy KA-513) MAK KA-176 | Edition: 2014 | Type: Karya Akhir (KA)
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